Course Offerings - Virtual Learning Centre
AMG1O - Music (Guitar), Open, Grade: 09

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience and is aimed at developing technique, sensitivity, and imagination. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and of safe practices related to music, and will develop a variety of skills transferable to other areas of their life.

(Prerequisite: Playable Acoustic Guitar)
AMI1O - Music (Instrumental-Brass/Wind), Open, Grade: 09

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience and is aimed at developing technique, sensitivity, and imagination. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and of safe practices related to music, and will develop a variety of skills transferable to other areas of their life.

(Prerequisite: Playable Woodwind or Brass Instrument)
AMK1O - Music (Keyboard), Open, Grade: 09

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience and is aimed at developing technique, sensitivity, and imagination. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and of safe practices related to music, and will develop a variety of skills transferable to other areas of their life.

(Prerequisite: Playable Piano or Keyboard with 88 keys)
AMV1O - Music (Vocal), Open, Grade: 09

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience and is aimed at developing technique, sensitivity, and imagination. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and of safe practices related to music, and will develop a variety of skills transferable to other areas of their life.

BEM1O - Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Open, Grade: 09

In this course, students will learn what makes an entrepreneur thrive and the skills required to succeed in today’s business environment. Students will begin to develop their own entrepreneurial mindset, and learn why it’s important to take initiative, adapt to change, find creative solutions, and understand the financial considerations of entrepreneurship. This hands-on course will use business software and applications to help students plan and develop their entrepreneurial ideas and learn how to present them to a target audience. Throughout the course, students will enhance their communications skills as well as develop and refine their project management skills, including goal setting, time management, and networking. 

***Students who have previously earned a credit in BTT1O/BTT2O, Information and Communication Technology in Business, Grade 9 or 10, cannot register for this course.***

(Prerequisite: You cannot register for this course if you have already earned the credit in BTT1O or BTT2O)
CGC1W - Exploring Canadian Geography, De-streamed, Grade: 09

This course builds on learning in Grades 7 and 8 in geography. Students will explore relationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how they interconnect with other parts of the world. Students will also examine environmental and economic issues, and their impact related to topics such as natural resources and industries, careers, land use and responsible development, and sustainability. In addition, students will understand the connections that diverse communities and individuals have with the physical environment and each other throughout Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Students will apply geographic thinking, use the geographic inquiry process, and use geospatial technologies throughout their investigations.

ENL1W - English, Grade 9, Grade: 09

This course enables students to continue to develop and consolidate the foundational knowledge and skills that they need for reading, writing, and oral and visual communication. Throughout the course, students will continue to enhance their media literacy and critical literacy skills, and to develop and apply transferable skills, including digital literacy. Students will also make connections to their lived experiences and to society and increase their understanding of the importance of language and literacy across the curriculum.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 9 students. Mature students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified via email if a spot becomes available. Alternate course selection is required.***

FSF1D - Core French, Academic, Grade: 09

This course emphasizes the further development of oral communication, reading, and writing skills. Students will build on and apply their knowledge of French while exploring a variety of themes, such as relationships, social trends, and careers. Thematic readings, which include a selection of short stories, articles, and poems, will serve as stepping stones to oral and written activities.

All students require a compulsory French credit and should register for this course.  If you have little to no prior French instruction, you can register for FSF1O.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 9 students. Mature students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified via email if a spot becomes available. Alternate course selection is required.***
Please read the FAQ on our website: What about French? for details how to provide proof of prerequisite for this course.

(Prerequisite: Minimum of 600 hours of French instruction or equivalent)
FSF1O - Core French, Open, Grade: 09

This is an introductory course for students who have had little or no French instruction. This course satisfies the compulsory French credit required for the OSSD. 

Students will begin to understand and speak French in guided and structured interactive settings, and will develop fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing through discussing issues and situations that are relevant to their daily lives. Throughout the course, students will develop their awareness of diverse French-speaking communities in Canada and acquire an understanding and appreciation of these communities. They will also develop a variety of skills necessary for lifelong language learning.

GLS1O - Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School, Open, Grade: 09

This course explores learning strategies and helps students become better, more independent learners while increasing their personal management skills, both in school and in other contexts. Students will learn how to develop and apply a range of strategies to improve their learning and achievement, particularly their literacy, numeracy, communication, and planning skills. This course will increase students’ confidence, motivation, and ability to learn.

MTH1W - Mathematics, Grade 9, Grade: 09

Please note that all students in grade 9 must take the MTH1W course as the Ontario Government has de-streamed grade 9 and there is no academic or applied math. 

This course enables students to consolidate, and continue to develop, an understanding of mathematical concepts related to number sense and operations, algebra, measurement, geometry, data, probability, and financial literacy. Students will use mathematical processes, mathematical modelling, and coding to make sense of the mathematics they are learning and to apply their understanding to culturally responsive and relevant real-world situations. Students will continue to enhance their mathematical reasoning skills, including proportional reasoning, spatial reasoning, and algebraic reasoning, as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 9 students. Mature students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified via email if a spot becomes available. Alternate course selection is required.***

SNC1W - Science, Grade 9, Grade: 09

This course enables students to develop their understanding of concepts related to biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space science, and to relate science to technology, society, and the environment. Throughout the course, students will develop and refine their STEM skills as they use scientific research, scientific experimentation, and engineering design processes to investigate concepts and apply their knowledge in situations that are relevant to their lives and communities. Students will continue to develop transferable skills as they become scientifically literate global citizens.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 9 students. Mature students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified via email if a spot becomes available. Alternate course selection is required.***

AMG2O - Music (Guitar), Open, Grade: 10

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop their understanding of musical conventions, practices, and terminology and apply the elements of music in a range of activities. They will also explore the function of music in society with reference to the self, communities, and cultures.

(Prerequisite: AMG1O Recommended and Playable Acoustic Guitar)
AMI2O - Music (Instrumental-Brass/Wind), Open, Grade: 10

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop their understanding of musical conventions, practices, and terminology and apply the elements of music in a range of activities. They will also explore the function of music in society with reference to the self, communities, and cultures.

(Prerequisite: Playable Woodwind or Brass Instrument, AMI1O Recommended)
AMK2O - Music (Keyboard), Open, Grade: 10

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop their understanding of musical conventions, practices, and terminology and apply the elements of music in a range of activities. They will also explore the function of music in society with reference to the self, communities, and cultures.

(Prerequisite: AMK1O Recommended and Playable Piano or Keyboard with 88 keys )
AMV2O - Music (Vocal), Open, Grade: 10

This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with previous experience. Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities. Students will develop their understanding of musical conventions, practices, and terminology and apply the elements of music in a range of activities. They will also explore the function of music in society with reference to the self, communities, and cultures.

(Prerequisite: AMV1O Recommended)
ASM2O - Media Arts, Open, Grade: 10

This course will develop students’ artistic knowledge and skills by introducing them to current media arts technologies and processes. Student learning will include the analysis, appreciation,and production of media art, using a variety of traditional techniques (e.g., photography, film, photocopy art, video, analog sound recording) and emergent technologies (e.g., computer, digital camera, scanner, multimedia, animation).

AVI2O - Visual Arts, Open, Grade: 10

This course enables students to develop their skills in producing and presenting art by introducing them to new ideas, materials, and processes for artistic exploration and experimentation. Students will apply the elements and principles of design when exploring the creative process. Students will use the critical analysis process to reflect on and interpret art within a personal, contemporary, and historical context.

BEP2O - Launching and Leading a Business, Open, Grade: 10

This course introduces students to the world of business and what is required to be successful, ethical, and responsible in today’s economy. Students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to be an entrepreneur who knows how to respond to local and global market opportunities. Throughout the course, students will explore and understand the responsibility of managing different functions of a business. This includes accounting, marketing, information and communication technology, financial management, human resources, and production.

***Students who have previously earned a credit in BBI1O/BBI2O – Introduction to Business, Grade 9 or Grade 10, cannot register for this course.***

(Prerequisite: You cannot register for this course if you have already earned the credit in BBI1O or BBI2O.)
CHC2D - Canadian History since World War I, Academic, Grade: 10

This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914. Students will examine the role of conflict and cooperation in Canadian society, Canada’s evolving role within the global community, and the impact of various individuals, organizations, and events on Canadian identity, citizenship, and heritage. They will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key issues and events in Canadian history since 1914.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

CHC2P - Canadian History since World War I, Applied, Grade: 10

This course focuses on the social context of historical developments and events and how they have affected the lives of people in Canada since 1914. Students will explore interactions between various communities in Canada as well as contributions of individuals and groups to Canadian heritage and identity. Students will develop their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating the continuing relevance of historical developments and how they have helped shape communities in present-day Canada.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

CHV2O - Civics, Open (1/2 credit), Grade: 10

This course explores what it means to be an informed, participating citizen in a democratic society. Students will learn about the elements of democracy and the meaning of democratic citizenship in local, national, and global contexts. In addition, students will learn about social change, examine decision-making processes in Canada, explore their own and others’ beliefs and perspectives on civics questions, and learn how to think and act critically and creatively about public issues.

This is a half credit compulsory course. Students are recommended to also apply for GLC20 in the same semester as each course runs for a 9 week block.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and will be notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

ENG2D - English, Academic, Grade: 10

This course extends the range of analytic, reading, writing, oral communication, and thinking skills that students need for success in secondary school academic programs. Students will study and interpret challenging texts from contemporary and historical periods, including novels, poems, plays, and opinion pieces, and will analyse and create effective media works. An important focus will be the thoughtful use of spoken and written language.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: ENG1D, ENG1P, ENL1W)
ENG2P - English, Applied, Grade: 10

This course extends the range of key reading, writing, oral communication, and thinking skills that students need for success in all areas of the curriculum. Students will study novels, poems, magazines, and reports, and will describe, design, and produce effective media works. An important focus will be the clear and coherent use of spoken and written language.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: ENG1D or ENG1P)
GLC2O - Career Studies, Open (1/2 credit), Grade: 10

This course teaches students how to develop and achieve personal goals in education and work and contribute to their communities. Student learning will include assessing their own knowledge, skills, and characteristics and investigating economic trends,workplace organization, work opportunities, and ways to search for work. The course explores post secondary learning options, prepares students for community-based learning, and helps them build the capabilities needed for managing work and life transitions. Students will design action plans for pursuing their goals.

This is a half credit compulsory course. Students are recommended to also apply for CHV2O in the same semester as each course runs for a 9 week block.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

HIF2O - Exploring Family Studies, Open, Grade: 10

This course explores, within the context of families, some of the fundamental challenges people face: how to meet basic needs, how to relate to others, how to manage resources, and how to become responsible members of society. Students will explore adolescent development and will have opportunities to develop interpersonal, decision-making, and practical skills related to daily life. They will learn about the diverse ways in which families function in Canada and will use research skills as they explore topics related to individual and family needs and resources. Prerequisite: None

ICD2O - Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World, Grade 10, Open, Grade: 10

This course helps students develop cutting-edge digital technology and computer programming skills that will support them in contributing to and leading the global economic, scientific and societal innovations of tomorrow. Students will learn and apply coding concepts and skills to build hands-on projects and investigate artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and other emerging digital technologies that connect to a wide range of fields and careers. Using critical thinking skills with a focus on digital citizenship, students will investigate the appropriate use and development of the digital technologies that they encounter every day, as well as the benefits and limitations of these technologies.

MFM2P - Foundations of Mathematics, Applied, Grade: 10

This course enables students to consolidate their understanding of key mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and to extend their problem-solving experiences in a variety of applications. Students will solve problems involving proportional reasoning and the trigonometry of right triangles; investigate applications of piecewise linear functions; solve and apply systems of linear equations; and solve problems involving quadratic functions. The effective use of technology in learning and in solving problems will be a focus of the course.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: MTH1W, MPM1D or MFM1P)
MPM2D - Principles of Mathematics, Academic, Grade: 10

This course enables students to broaden their understanding of relations, extend their skills in multi-step problem solving, and continue to develop their abilities in abstract reasoning. Students will pursue investigations of quadratic functions and their applications; solve and apply linear systems; solve multi-step problems in analytic geometry to verify properties of geometric figures; investigate the trigonometry of right and acute triangles; and develop supporting algebraic skills.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: MTH1W or MPM1D)
NAC2O - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit in Canada, Grade: 10

This course explores the histories of First Nations and Inuit in Canada from precontact, as well as Métis from their beginnings, to the present day. Students will examine the continuing impact of past social, cultural, economic, political, and legal trends and developments on First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals and communities. Students will apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process to investigate a range of issues, events, and interactions that have affected First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals and communities, including those that continue to affect relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.

Please note, this course does not satisfy the grade 10 compulsory Canadian history credit.

SNC2D - Science, Academic, Grade: 10

This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics; to develop further their skills in scientific inquiry; and to understand the interrelationships among science, technology, and the environment. Students will conduct investigations and understand scientific theories related to: ecology and the maintenance of ecosystems; chemical reactions, with particular attention to acid-base reactions; factors that influence weather systems; and motion.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: SNC1W, SNC1D or SNC1P)
SNC2P - Science, Applied, Grade: 10

This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics; to develop further their practical skills in scientific investigation; and to apply their knowledge of science to real-world situations. Students will design and conduct investigations into everyday problems and issues related to ecological sustainability, chemical reactions,weather systems, and motion.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 10 students. Grade 09 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: SNC1W, SNC1D or SNC1P)
TGJ2O - Communications Technology, Open, Grade: 10

This course requires students to complete a range of communications technology projects. These may include creating printed stationery, short videos, computer-generated animations, and graphical information displays. Students will learn to transfer information using electronic, live, and graphic communications methods. The knowledge and skills they will develop will provide a basis for careers in areas such as publishing, advertising, print production, animation, photography, and journalism.

THJ2O - Green Industries, Open, Grade: 10

This course introduces students to the various sectors of the green industries – agriculture, forestry, horticulture, floristry, and landscaping. Using materials, processes, and techniques commonly employed in these industries, students will participate in a number of hands-on projects that may include plant or animal propagation; production, maintenance, and harvesting activities; the development of floral or landscaping designs; and/or related construction activities. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental and societal issues related to green industry activities, learn about safe and healthy working practices, and explore secondary and postsecondary education and training pathways and career opportunities in the various industry sectors.

ASM3O - Media Arts, Open, Grade: 11

This course emphasizes the development of the knowledge and skills required for the production of media art works (e.g.,robosculpture, photocopy art, computer animation with synthesized sound). Students will develop an appreciation of the history of media arts through analysing specific works, and will create media art works using a variety of technologies (e.g., digital camera, photo-imaging software, computer-modelling software, synthesizer, videotape, multi-track sound recording).

BAF3M - Introduction to Financial Accounting, University, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting, with emphasis on accounting procedures used in service and merchandising businesses. Students will develop an understanding of the connections between financial analysis, control, and decision making in the management of a business, as well as the effects of technology and globalization on accounting procedures and the role of the accountant.

BDI3C - Entrepreneurship: The Venture, College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan successful ventures that enable them to achieve their personal goals by satisfying the needs of others. Students will learn about values, traits, and skills most often associated with successful entrepreneurial activity.

BMI3C - Introduction to Marketing, College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces the fundamental concepts of marketing, with an emphasis on in-depth analysis of the influence of changes in the economy and global marketplace, trends and issues, and the impact of technology. Students will analyse the buying patterns of various consumers and the effect of marketing strategies, and will engage in marketing research. Students will also develop and present a marketing plan for a specific product.

CGF3M - Forces of Nature: Physical Processes and Disasters, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

In this course, students will explore physical processes related to the earth’s water, land, and air. They will investigate how these processes shape the planet’s natural characteristics and affect human systems, how they are involved in the creation of natural disasters, and how they influence the impacts of human disasters. Throughout the course, students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process and use spatial technologies to analyse these processes, make predictions related to natural disasters, and assess ways of responding to them

(Prerequisite: CGC1D or CGC1P)
CGG3O - Travel and Tourism: A Geographic Perspective, Open, Grade: 11

This course focuses on issues related to travel and tourism within and between various regions of the world. Students will investigate unique environmental, sociocultural, economic, and political characteristics of selected world regions. They will explore travel patterns and trends as well as tensions related to tourism, and will predict future tourism destinations. Students will apply the concepts of geographic thinking and the geographic inquiry process, including spatial technologies, to investigate the impact of the travel industry on natural environments and human communities.

(Prerequisite: CGC1D or CGC1P)
CHW3M - World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course explores the history of various societies and civilizations around the world, from earliest times to around 1500 CE. Students will investigate a range of factors that contributed to the rise, success, and decline of various ancient and pre-modern societies throughout the world and will examine life in and the cultural and political legacy of these societies. Students will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating social, political, and economic structures and historical forces at work in various societies and in different historical eras.

(Prerequisite: CHC2D or CHC2P)
CLU3M - Understanding Canadian Law, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course explores Canadian law, with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to the lives of people in Canada. Students will gain an understanding of laws relating to rights and freedoms in Canada; our legal system; and family, contract, employment, tort, and criminal law. Students will develop legal reasoning skills and will apply the concepts of legal thinking and the legal studies inquiry process when investigating a range of legal issues and formulating and communicating informed opinions about them.

(Prerequisite: CHC2D or CHC2P)
ENG3C - English, College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course emphasizes the development of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will study the content, form, and style of informational texts and literary works from Canada and other countries; write reports, correspondence, and persuasive essays; and analyse media forms, audiences, and media industry practices. An important focus will be on establishing appropriate voice and using business and technical language with precision and clarity.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: ENG2P or ENG2D)
ENG3U - English, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course emphasizes the development of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will analyse challenging texts from various periods; conduct research and analyse the information gathered; write persuasive and literary essays; and analyse the relationship among media forms, audiences, and media industry practices. An important focus will be on understanding the development of the English language.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: ENG2D)
GPP3O - Leadership and Peer Support, Grade: 11

This course prepares students to act in leadership and peer support roles. They will design and implement a plan for contributing to their school and/or community; develop skills in communication, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and conflict management; and apply those skills in leadership and/or peer support roles. Students will examine group dynamics and learn the value of diversity within groups and communities

Students will be placed in one of our online courses and work with a teacher in developing their leadership and peer support skills by assisting students throughout the semester.  Students will have an opportunity to request the subject area and grade level of the course they would like to assist in.

(Prerequisites: Students must be in Grade 11 and 12 when they plan on taking this course.  Students must have successfully completed at least two semesters in the Virtual Learning Centre, receive a nomination of support from a current VLC teacher and have administration approval).

Interested applicants can select this course in their registration and the office will contact them within 3-5 school days via email (VLC Gmail for current students) with further details about the required teacher support and administration approval.  Please select an alternate course in case we cannot place you in this course.  Thank you.


GWL3O - Designing Your Future, Open, Grade: 11

This course prepares students to make successful transitions to postsecondary work and education or training. Students will explore the realities and opportunities of modern workplaces, while refining their employability skills and learning how to manage their careers. Students will target appropriate postsecondary education or training options and begin to implement an action plan for postsecondary success.

HNC3C - Understanding Fashion, College, Grade: 11

This course introduces students to the world of fashion. Students will gain an understanding of theories related to fashion trends and of how culture, media, fashion cycles, retailing, and social and environmental factors influence fashion trends and consumer behaviour. Students will use various tools, technologies, and techniques safely and correctly to create fashion items. In addition, students will apply knowledge of fibres, fabrics, and the elements and principles of design when creating and assessing fashion-related products. Students will develop research skills as they investigate topics related to fashion. Prerequisite: None

HPC3O - Raising Healthy Children, Open, Grade: 11

This course focuses on the skills and knowledge parents, guardians, and caregivers need, with particular emphasis on maternal health, pregnancy, birth, and the early years of human development (birth to six years old). Through study and practical experience, students will learn how to meet the developmental needs of young children, communicate with them, and effectively guide their early behaviour. Students will develop their research skills through investigations related to caregiving and child rearing. Prerequisite: None

HSP3U - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course provides students with opportunities to think critically about theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students will develop an understanding of the approaches and research methods used by social scientists. They will be given opportunities to explore theories from a variety of perspectives, to conduct social science research, and to become familiar with current thinking on a range of issues within the three disciplines. Prerequisite: The Grade 10 academic course in English, or the Grade 10 academic history course (Canadian and world studies)

(Prerequisite: ENG2D, CHC2D)
ICS3C - Introduction to Computer Programming, College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces students to computer programming concepts and practices. Students will write and test computer programs, using various problem-solving strategies. They will learn the fundamentals of program design and apply a software development life-cycle model to a software development project. Students will also learn about computer environments and systems, and explore environmental issues related to computers, safe computing practices, emerging technologies, and postsecondary opportunities in computer-related fields.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

ICS3U - Introduction to Computer Science, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces students to computer science. Students will design software independently and as part of a team, using industry-standard programming tools and applying the software development life-cycle model. They will also write and use subprograms within computer programs. Students will develop creative solutions for various types of problems as their understanding of the computing environment grows. They will also explore environmental and ergonomic issues, emerging research in computer science, and global career trends in computer-related fields.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

MBF3C - Foundations for College Mathematics, College, Grade: 11

This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as a problem solving tool in the real world. Students will extend their understanding of quadratic relations; investigate situations involving exponential growth; solve problems involving compound interest; solve financial problems connected with vehicle ownership; develop their ability to reason by collecting, analysing, and evaluating data involving one variable; connect probability and statistics; and solve problems in geometry and trigonometry. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and communicate their thinking.

This course is the prerequisite for MAP4C.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: MFM2P or MPM2D)
MCF3M - Functions and Applications, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces some financial applications of mathematics and extends students’ experiences with functions. Students will solve problems in personal finance involving applications of sequences and series; investigate properties and applications of trigonometric functions; develop facility in operating with polynomials, rational expressions, and exponential expressions; develop an understanding of inverses and transformations of functions; and develop facility in using function notation and in communicating mathematical reasoning.

This course is the prerequisite for MDM4U or MAP4C.  It is not the prerequisite for MHF4U.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: MPM2D or MFM2P)
MCR3U - Functions, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course introduces some financial applications of mathematics, extends students’ experiences with functions, and introduces second-degree relations. Students will solve problems in personal finance involving applications of sequences and series; investigate properties and applications of trigonometric functions; develop facility in operating with polynomials, rational expressions, and exponential expressions; develop an understanding of inverses and transformations of functions; and develop facility in using function notation and in communicating mathematical reasoning. Students will also investigate loci and the properties and applications of conics.

This course is the prerequisite for MHF4U, MDM4U or MAP4C.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: MPM2D)
MEL3E - Mathematics for Everyday Life, Workplace Preparation, Grade: 11

This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as it is applied in important areas of day-to-day living. Students will solve problems associated with earning money, paying taxes, and making purchases; apply calculations of simple and compound interest in saving, investing, and borrowing; and calculate the costs of transportation and travel in a variety of situations.

Please note: this is a workplace preparation course and is not a prerequisite for MAP4C or college level programs.

(Prerequisite: MTH1W, MPM1D or MFM1P)
PPZ3C - Health for Life, College, Grade: 11

This course enables students to examine the factors that influence their own health practices and behaviours as well as those factors that contribute to the development of healthy communities. It emphasizes the concept of wellness, which addresses all aspects of well-being – physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social – and promotes healthy eating, physical activity, and building and maintaining a positive sense of self. Students will develop the skills necessary to make healthy choices and create a personal wellness plan. They will also design initiatives that encourage others to lead healthy, active lives. The course prepares students for college programs in health sciences, fitness, wellness, and health promotion. This credit will satisfy the compulsory Health and Physical Education credit.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

SBI3C - Biology, College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course focuses on the processes involved in biological systems. Students will learn concepts and theories as they conduct investigations in the areas of cellular biology,microbiology, animal anatomy and physiology, plant structure and physiology, and environmental science. Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of concepts, and on the skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.

(Prerequisite: SNC2D or SNC2P)
SBI3U - Biology, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course furthers students’ understanding of the processes involved in biological systems.Students will study cellular functions, genetic continuity, internal systems and regulation, the diversity of living things, and the anatomy, growth, and functions of plants. The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of the topics under study, and helps students refine skills related to scientific investigation.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: SNC2D)
SCH3U - Chemistry, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course focuses on the concepts and theories that form the basis of modern chemistry. Students will study the behaviours of solids, liquids, gases, and solutions; investigate changes and relationships in chemical systems; and explore how chemistry is used in developing new products and processes that affect our lives and our environment. Emphasis will also be placed on the importance of chemistry in other branches of science.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: SNC2D)
SPH3U - Physics, University Preparation, Grade: 11

This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will study the laws of dynamics and explore different kinds of forces, the quantification and forms of energy (mechanical, sound, light, thermal, and electrical), and the way energy is transformed and transmitted. They will develop scientific-inquiry skills as they verify accepted laws and solve both assigned problems and those emerging from their investigations. Students will also analyse the interrelationships between physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 11 students. Grade 10 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: SNC2D)
SVN3M - Environmental Science – University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help them succeed in life after secondary school. Students will explore a range of topics, including the role of science in addressing contemporary environmental challenges; the impact of the environment on human health; sustainable agriculture and forestry; the reduction and management of waste; and the conservation of energy. Students will increase their scientific and environmental literacy and examine the interrelationships between science, the environment, and society in a variety of areas.

(Prerequisite: SNC2D or SNC2P)
TGJ3M - Communications Technology, University/College Preparation, Grade: 11

This course examines communications systems and design and production processes in the areas of electronic, live, recorded, and graphic communications. Students will develop knowledge and skills relating to the assembly, operation, maintenance, and repair of the basic and more complex components of a range of communications systems. Students will also study industry standards and regulations and health and safety issues, and will explore careers, the importance of lifelong learning, and the impact of communications technology on society and the environment.


Equipment Requirements: Windows or Mac OS capable of installing Adobe Creative Cloud, view creative cloud requirements here.  A device capable of capturing digital photographs and video required.

(Prerequisite: Windows or Mac OS capable of installing Adobe Creative Cloud.  A device capable of capturing digital photographs and video required)
AEA4O - Exploring and Creating in the Arts, Grade: 12

This course offers students the opportunity to explore connections between dance, drama, media arts, music, and/or visual arts. Students will use the creative process individually and/or collaboratively to produce integrated art works that draw on various disciplines, and they will critically analyse art works and determine how interpreting these works affects their own development. Students will develop responsible practices that are transferable beyond the classroom. They will explore solutions to integrated arts challenges and discover that art is everywhere, influencing and reflecting society.

Please note:  This is an open level course and will not meet the entrance requirements for a university program. Students require university (U) or mixed university (M) level courses in grade 12 for entrance into a university program.

(Prerequisite: Any Grade 9 or 10 arts course)
BBB4M - International Business Fundamentals, University/College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international markets. Students will learn about the techniques and strategies associated with marketing, distribution, and managing international business effectively.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

BOH4M - Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals, University/College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course focuses on ways in which organizations deal with issues affecting their competitiveness in a changing technological and global business environment. Students will analyse various leadership techniques and study various issues such as ethics in business, social responsibility, management of group dynamics, uses of information technology, workplace stress and conflict, motivation of employees, and globalization. Students will also investigate the management of a diverse workforce within an organization and the importance of strategic planning.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

CHY4C - World History since the Fifteenth Century, College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course explores key developments and events in world history since approximately 1450, with a focus on interactions within and between various regions. Students will examine social, economic, and political developments and how they have affected different peoples. Students will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key turning points in world history and historical forces that have shaped our world.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university, university/college, or college preparation course in Canadian and world studies or English or social sciences and humanities)
CHY4U - World History since the Fifteenth Century, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course traces major developments and events in world history since approximately 1450. Students will explore social, economic, and political changes, the historical roots of contemporary issues, and the role of conflict and cooperation in global interrelationships. They will extend their ability to apply the concepts of historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, as they investigate key issues and ideas and assess societal progress or decline in world history.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university (U) or university/college (M) preparation course in Canadian and world studies or English or social sciences and humanities)
CLN4U - Canadian and International Law, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course explores a range of contemporary legal issues and how they are addressed in both Canadian and international law. Students will develop an understanding of the principles of Canadian and international law and of issues related to human rights and freedoms, conflict resolution, and criminal, environmental, and workplace law, both in Canada and internationally. Students will apply the concepts of legal thinking and the legal studies inquiry process, and will develop legal reasoning skills, when investigating these and other issues in both Canadian and international contexts.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university (U) or university/college (M) preparation course in Canadian and world studies or English or social sciences and humanities)
ENG4C - English, College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course emphasizes consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will analyse informational texts and literary works from various time periods, countries,and cultures; write research reports, summaries, and short analytical essays; complete an independent study project; and analyse the interactions among media forms, audiences, and media industry practices. An important focus will be on establishing appropriate style and using business and technical language effectively.  

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: ENG3C)
ENG4U - English, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course emphasizes consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Students will analyse a range of challenging texts from various time periods, countries, and cultures; write analytical and argumentative essays and a major paper for an independent literary research project; and apply key concepts to analyse media works. An important focus will be on understanding academic language and using it coherently and confidently in discussion and argument.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: ENG3U)
EWC4C - The Writer's Craft, College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will investigate models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to write a variety of works; and make considered decisions for improving the quality of their writing. They will also complete a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers. 

IMPORTANT: This English course does not satisfy the Grade 12 English requirement for graduation. Students require ENG4C or ENG4U for graduation purposes.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: ENG3C)
EWC4U - The Writer's Craft, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They will also complete a major paper as part of a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.

IMPORTANT: This English course does not satisfy the Grade 12 English requirement for graduation. Students require ENG4C or ENG4U for graduation purposes.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: ENG3U)
HHS4U - Families in Canada, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course applies current theories and research from the disciplines of anthropology, psychology, and sociology to the study of individual development, family behaviour, intimate and parent–child relationships, and the ways in which families interact within the diverse Canadian society. Students will learn the interpersonal skills required to contribute to the well-being of families, and the investigative skills required to conduct and evaluate research about individuals and families.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies or English or Social Sciences and Humanities)
HIP4O - Personal Life Management, Open, Grade: 12

Please note:  This is an open level course and will not meet the entrance requirements for a university program. Students require university (U) or mixed university (M) level courses in grade 12 for entrance into a university program.

This course focuses on preparing students for living independently and working successfully with others. Students will learn to manage their personal resources to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and housing. They will also learn about their personal, legal, and financial responsibilities and develop and apply interpersonal skills in order to make wise and responsible personal and occupational choices. Students will apply research and inquiry skills while investigating topics related to personal life management. The course emphasizes the achievement of expectations through practical experiences.



(Prerequisite: This is an open level course and will not meet the entrance requirements for a university program.)
HSB4U - Challenge and Change in Society, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course focuses on the use of social science theories, perspectives, and methodologies to investigate and explain shifts in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour and their impact on society. Students will critically analyse how and why cultural, social, and behavioural patterns change over time. They will explore the ideas of social theorists and use those ideas to analyse causes of and responses to challenges such as technological change, deviance, and global inequalities. Students will explore ways in which social science research methods can be used to study social change. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies or English or Social Sciences and Humanities)
HSC4M - World Cultures, University/College Preparation , Grade: 12

This course examines the nature of culture; how cultural identities are acquired, maintained, and transformed; and theories used to analyse cultures. Students will explore world cultures, with an emphasis on the analysis of religious and spiritual beliefs, art forms, and philosophy. They will study the contributions and influence of a range of cultural groups and will critically analyse issues facing ethnocultural groups within Canada and around the world. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to cultural diversity.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies or English or Social Sciences and Humanities)
HZT4U - Philosophy: Questions and Theories, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course enables students to acquire an understanding of the nature of philosophy and philosophical reasoning skills and to develop and apply their knowledge and skills while exploring specialized branches of philosophy (the course will cover at least three of the following branches: metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, philosophy of science, social and political philosophy, aesthetics).* Students will develop critical thinking and philosophical reasoning skills as they formulate and evaluate arguments related to a variety of philosophical questions and theories. They will also develop research and inquiry skills related to the study and practice of philosophy. Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies or English or Social Sciences and Humanities)
ICS4U - Computer Science, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course enables students to further develop knowledge and skills in computer science. Students will use modular design principles to create complex and fully documented programs, according to industry standards. Student teams will manage a large software development project, from planning through to project review. Students will also analyse algorithms for effectiveness. They will investigate ethical issues in computing and further explore environmental issues, emerging technologies, areas of research in computer science, and careers in the field.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required.***

(Prerequisite: ICS3U)
MAP4C - Foundations for College Mathematics, College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course equips students with the mathematical knowledge and skills they will need in many college programs. Students will use statistical methods to analyse problems; solve problems involving the application of principles of geometry and measurement to the design and construction of physical models; solve problems involving trigonometry in triangles; and consolidate their skills in analysing and interpreting mathematical models.

(Prerequisite: MBF3C, MCF3M or MCR3U)
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course builds on students’ previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rate of change. Students will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of lines and plane in three-dimensional space: broaden their understanding of rates of change to include the derivatives of polynomial, rational, exponential, and sinusoidal functions; and apply these concepts and skills to the modelling of real-world relationships. Students will also refine their use of mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course is intended for students who plan to study mathematics in university and who may choose to pursue careers in fields such as physics and engineering.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: MHF4U)
MDM4U - Mathematics of Data Management, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course broadens students’ understanding of mathematics as it relates to managing information. Students will apply methods for organizing large amounts of information; apply counting techniques, probability, and statistics in modelling and solving problems; and carry out a culminating project that integrates the expectations of the course and encourages perseverance and independence. Students planning to pursue university programs in business, the social sciences, or the humanities will find this course of particular interest.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: MCR3U or MCF3M)
MHF4U - Advanced Functions, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course extends students’ experience with functions. Students will investigate the properties of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; broaden their understanding of rates of change; and develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course is intended both for students who plan to study mathematics in university and for those who wishing to consolidate their understanding of mathematics before proceeding to any one of a variety of university programs.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: MCR3U )
OLC4O - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Open, Grade: 12

A student who has been eligible to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) at least twice and who has been unsuccessful at least once is eligible to enrol in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). A student may be permitted to take the OSSLC before he or she has had a second opportunity to take the OSSLT, if the principal determines that it is in the best educational interests of the student to do so. Under special circumstances, and at the discretion of the principal, a student who has already met the literacy requirement for graduation purposes may be eligible to take the course. A mature student may enrol directly in the OSSLC without first attempting the OSSLT. A mature student must be over 18 and have been out of a school of any form for at least a year.

Formal documentation, supporting the above eligibility requirements, is required for entry into OSSLC.

(Prerequisite: See Description)
PSK4U - Introductory Kinesiology, University Preparation , Grade: 12

This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems, factors and principles involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sport, and the physiological, psychological, and social factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity and sport. The course prepares students for university programs in physical education and health, kinesiology, health sciences, health studies, recreation, and sports administration.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: Any Grade 11 university or university/college course in science or any Grade 11 or 12 open course in health and physical education)
SBI4U - Biology, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course provides students with the opportunity for in-depth study of the concepts and processes associated with biological systems. Students will study theory and conduct investigations in the areas of metabolic processes, molecular genetics, homeostasis, evolution, and population dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on achievement of the detailed knowledge and refined skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: SBI3U)
SCH4C - Chemistry, College, Grade: 12

This course introduces students to the concepts that form the basis of modern chemistry. Students will study qualitative analysis, quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, organic chemistry and electrochemistry, and chemistry as it relates to the quality of the environment. Students will employ a variety of laboratory techniques, develop skills in data collection and scientific analysis, and communicate scientific information using appropriate terminology. Emphasis will be placed on the role of chemistry in daily life and in the development of new technologies and products.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: SNC2D or SNC2P)
SCH4U - Chemistry, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. Students will further develop problem solving and laboratory skills as they investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining their ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: SCH3U)
SPH4C - Physics, College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore these concepts as they relate to mechanical, electrical, fluid (hydraulic and pneumatic), and communications systems, as well as to the operation of commonly used tools and equipment. They will develop scientific-inquiry skills as they verify accepted laws of physics and solve both assigned problems and those emerging from their investigations. Students will also consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: SNC2D or SNC2P)
SPH4U - Physics, University Preparation, Grade: 12

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of the concepts and theories of physics. Students will explore further the laws of dynamics and energy transformations, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields; electromagnetic radiation; and the interface between energy and matter. They will further develop inquiry skills, learning, for example, how the interpretation of experimental data can provide indirect evidence to support the development of a scientific model. Students will also consider the impact on society and the environment of technological applications of physics.

***Priority for this course will be given to grade 12 students who require it for graduation or post-secondary purposes. Grade 11 students who apply for this course will be placed on a wait list if requested and notified if a spot becomes available via email. Alternate course selection is required. ***

(Prerequisite: SPH3U)
TGJ4M - Communications Technology, University/College Preparation, Grade: 12

This course enables students to further develop media knowledge and skills while designing and producing projects in the areas of live, recorded, and graphic communications. Students may work in the areas of TV, video, and movie production; radio and audio production; print and graphic communications; photography; digital imaging; broadcast journalism; and interactive new media. Students will also expand their awareness of environmental and societal issues related to communications technology, and will investigate career opportunities and challenges in a rapidly changing technological environment.


Equipment Requirements: Windows or Mac OS capable of installing Adobe Creative Cloud, view creative cloud requirements here.  A device capable of capturing digital photographs and video required.

(Prerequisite: TGJ3M)